Saturday, October 27, 2012

Welcome Readers!

I'm DJPM (Debra Juanita Phillips Miller),.....the DJ who spins stories, not records! This reading booklet blog was  created to introduce and showcase electronic paperbacklets (fictional short story paperbacks) specifically for your fall reading pleasure! The novelettes on this Reading Marathon are all under  25 pages. Each has its own copyright and ISBN number.

All Types Of Madness has taken over this Reading Marathon with characters who seem to have lost their ever lovin' minds! Their outrageous antics prove that they are worth knowing just like this blog's sister blog proves for all of its characters. So get ready for the slightly unique, the ultimate in brief, and the truly unforgettable when you read short story, after short story, after short story here on the Reading Marathon!

Click on story names over in blog archive at top right to read the following two stories or scroll down.

Find six fictional stories, one story per post, in the next six posts. So let's kick off the first blog post's story which debuts the madness of the personal things that happen to April Ann Snow in the month of December! She'll encounter divorce, marriage, death, con artists, an ex and a few other surprising tidbits that takes her life in a whole new direction! Find out what exactly happens week to week during the month of December to April in the heart tugging 16 page saga, "DECEMBER'S APRIL" by DJPM.

The second post introduces the madness of the Multea family. They've taken being multi-racial to a whole new level! During a multi-racial family's Thanksgiving family reunion, an outsider learns about their unique bloodline which was created by making sure that family members only dated and procreated with other multi-racial people, inside and outside the family! Learn more about this family's reasoning behind their decision to basically create their own genetically modified race when you read this 21 page tale entitled, "DROPPINGS" by DJPM.

To read the next four stories click on August in the blog archive at the top to the right.

The third post (click on August in blog archive to read) introduces the madness of character Beaseley Barnes...a tour boat guide who has a new love but won't let go of his ex-love. To make matters worse they all encounter bad decision making, a mysterious 'palm reader' who invites herself into their lives which leads to disasterous results, and the bewitching hour of midnight on Halloween eve and on Halloween which causes love to go horribly wrong for their love triangle after they all get jobs at a California resort hotel in this 19 page cautionary little tale of the supernatural entitled, "MIDNIGHTS" by DJPM.

The fourth post (click on August in blog archive to read) continues the madness of character DeSander Jones Jr.,.....a wannabe psychic who caused unbelieveable chaos in her small backwoods town after she found a way to capitalize off of a controversial murder she witnessed. Unfortunately it exposed bombshell secrets of an adulterous affair, illegal medical experiments, crooked politicians and an exploitation plot you won't believe that helped turn the town upside down in the 18 page attention seeking short story, "OUR FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FAME: THE DEVINE INTERVENTION" by DJPM.

The fifth post (click on August in blog archive to read) continues the madness of character Eveena 'Eve' Evergreen and her family. She's an overweight woman who played russian roulette with her life by trying just about every weight loss gimmick and plan known to man as she dealt with her troubled professional football playing husband, his meddlesome and vengeful mother and her own unforgiving estranged mother. To escape this overwhelmimg situation, she turned to an experimental weight loss laboratory that eventually lead her to something very dark which ended with a controversial decision. Experience true human emotion when you read this 21 page  New Year's, "EVE'S RESOLUTION" by DJPM.

The sixth, and last, post (click on August in blog archive to read) ends with the madness of character Desmond Lynnzee who finds himself in hot water when jealousy rears its ugly head and unleashes a moment of irresponsible selfishness when a desperate writer takes another look at his life after he plagiarizes his daughter's book in the guilt ridden 17 page tale of, "THERE'S ALWAYS MORE TO THE STORY" by DJPM.

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